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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

LED Fish Tank Light

The Story

I set out to build a blue fish tank light and painting regular bulbs was not as cool as using LED lights so i when to this website to get the information I needed as far as wiring and circuitry. I then went to Ebay and ordered 30 Blue High Output LEDs and went to Radio Shack for the 30 Resistors. They guy at Radio Shack said there was a way to wire the LEDs through 1 resistor but I couldn't find anything that supported or showed me how so I stuck with the 30. All in all, I spent about $20.00.

Parts List

30 Blue LEDs $6.00 (Ebay)
25 150ohm Resistors (Radio Shack) .99 per 5pk
5 330ohm Resistors (Radio Shack) .99 per 5pk
Roll of Foil Tape (already had some)


  • I opened the existing light cover and removed the old wiring and bulbs
  • I cut a piece of thin wood the size of the covers opening
  • I drilled holes big enough to fit the LEDs but not so big they came through the holes
  • I bent the LED leads to follow the instructions but altered them to accomodate 5 LEDs by themselves.( the pattern was 3 LEDs, 1 LED. 2 LEDs, 1LED then back to 3)
  • After the wiring was done, I lined the light side of the panel with reflective foil tape then glued the panel to the cover.
  • I re-used the on of button on the old light so i can cut it of when i wanted to.


  • Solder a rail on each side of the leads, one for positive and one for negative.
  • Pay close attention to how you wire them, negative and positive or it will not light
  • test it before gluing shut and insure that no water will seep in.

The pictures

From Far

Up Close

LED Panel

Cool Fish

The Wiring Diagram

Thats it.. The next project is a new wood base for the tank, maybe even a bigger tank.

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